Encounters of Pâkistâni Celebrities without Mâkeup
Showbiz is â globe of populârity ând
chârm. Âll showbiz individuâlities look wonderful ând gorgeous. Some showbiz stârs
âre normâlly wonderful while some âre common looking. But âll these look more
wonderful due to their lârge cosmetics, lighting ând use pc softwâre progrâms.
Here is lârge
picture selection of Pâkistâni Celebrities,
Designs ând Performers without cosmetics or with little mâkeup; Veenâ Mâlik, Imân
Âli, Âmnâ Hâq, Sunitâ Mârshâl, Humâimâ Mâlik, Vâneezâ Âhmâd, Mehreen Syed, Nâdiâ
Khân, Bushrâ Ânsâri, Reshâm, Sânâ, Noor, Reemâ, Meerâ, Nârgis, Fârhânâ mâqsood,
Iffât, Irâj Mânzoor, Nâncy Wâsti, Âyeshâ Omer, Toobâ Siddiqui, Nâheed Shâbir, Nâjiâ
Bâig, Nosheen Shâh, Râbi Pirzâdâ, Zâinâb Qâyyum, Sânâm Bâloch....